Patrick Dixon wrote:
> pfarrell;370695 Wrote: 
>> What metric of jitter is important?
>> What devices that we are likely to have are examples, good and bad, of
>> this measured thing?
> As art said earlier, jitter is like noise, so the amount of jitter (ps)
> and the type of jitter (spectral content) are both important.

Amount in picoseconds absolute? or relative to the clock of the signal?
What amounts are important?

Noise is a classic example. while noise is bad, if its 100 dB down, it
doesn't matter because humans can't hear it.

I keep hearing that jitter is bad, but what jitter is bad, or how much
of what is bad? What can be ignored, because its below the sensitivity
of human ears?

> But 'good' and 'bad' are subjective things ... there is only really
> 'better' or 'worse'.

Then its not science. See Lord Kelvin's quote.

Pat Farrell

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