Pale Blue Ego;378203 Wrote: 
> I totally agree with this philosophy.  While my wife brings a steady
> stream of physical products into our home, the things I tend to clutter
> the house with all fit on a hard drive.  There are digital equivalents
> for many physical things in our, photos, videos,
> instruction manuals, books...scans, spreadsheets, Quicken files,
> emails.  Much easier to organize, transport, replicate, and preserve.
I agree.

I would add that data needs to be backed up. For me, RAID is not
enough. RAID is actually a "high availability" solution i.e. it is good
for letting people carry on uninterrupted when certain kinds of failure
occur. However, it is not a "backup" solution i.e. it isn't a failsafe
of last resort.

There are several kinds of failures which may cause loss of data even
with RAID including failure in the electronics of the RAID device,
power failures without battery backup or any kind of data written in
error due to human mistakes or application bugs. This last one is
really important because we know in industry that mistakes happen and a
last resort recovery plan is needed. There is also the less likely event
of physical destruction or theft.

A tape backup taken off site solves all these problems, that's why
companies do it. My redundant, regularly synced drive (not RAID
mirroring) solves everything except physical destruction or theft. But
this solution means as I need to buy bigger disks I can send the old
disks away to family or friends and have a level of protection against
even this which RAID does not provide.

It took me a while to understand my data is more real than my computer
is. My physical computers and networks will be gone and replaced in ten
years - they are already ghosts to me. I wish to keep my photos, videos,
music and documents!


SB3 / Inguz -> Krell KAV-300i (pre bypass) -> PMC AB-1
Dell laptop -> JVC UX-C30 mini system
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