iPhone;409297 Wrote: 
> If you are going to use FLAC or some other lossless format and can
> afford the Transporter, keep it and enjoy the music instead of wasting
> time setting up incorrect/incomplete testing procedures.
> First, common sense should tell you that you are wasting your time as
> well as ours because the DAC chip, DAC circuits, power supplies, and
> analog output section in the Transporter are superior to the SB3 in
> every department!
> Second, your ears can't be trusted as they are connected to you brain
> that uses all available information at its disposal to make
> conclusions. You may ask if you're listening what other info is
> available? I will tell you, your eyes and any misconceptions, biases,
> or conclusions you have already arrived at. An Audio Engineer friend
> and I have proved this many times with an experiment we repeated many
> times with the exact same result every time. Bias and pre-conclusions
> win out over actual facts when one is depending on ones ears to form
> test results. Download the software that Phil and I have been using and
> eliminate the faulty part of your testing IE your brain, eyes, and
> ears.
> Third, if you don't already know that XLR Balanced outputs are superior
> to RCA outs, then don't bother wasting your time and ours.
> The SB3 has a 6.0Vpp RCA line level output and the Transporter XLR is
> 8.5Vpp so it had better sound louder into the same pre-amp line level
> input! Should it sound clearer and cleaner, it should, but because of
> the better DAC and accompanying circuits. Not the fact that XLR has
> more oomph. Again the ears are misleading the conclusions and the brain
> is making assumptions.

Why are you so hostile? This user has great questions. IMO your logic
is flawed on several points:

"First, common sense should tell you that you are wasting your time as
well as ours because the DAC chip, DAC circuits, power supplies, and
analog output section in the Transporter are superior to the SB3 in
every department!"

That does not mean it's going to sound better on his system. Or if it
does sound better , it warrants the the difference in price. The law of
diminishing returns. And I think that is what he is trying to

"Second, your ears can't be trusted....."

WTF? Then why not buy a transistor radio? If he can't tell the
difference why spend $2K VS $300? Because someone else tells you it
sounds better because it uses better parts?

"Third, if you don't already know that XLR Balanced outputs are
superior to RCA outs, then don't bother wasting your time and ours."

Your simply rude dude.


2 Chan. System
SB3->Benchmark DAC-1-> Bryston(BP-25,3B)->PMC TB2
Home Theater System
SB2-> Bryston(SP1,4B,4B,2B,2B)-> PSB Stratus Goldi
Basement System
SB2-> Parasound Preamp (carver M1.0t) ->Klipsch La Scala's
Bedroom System
SB2-> Sony BoomBox
Rear Deck/Patio
Duet-> Yamaha Reciever-> PSB Mini's,
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