Nonreality wrote:
> The general consensus seems to be that rock and pop at the higher bit
> rates are tough for almost anyone to tell a difference while classical
> is not the best candidate for mp3 if you have a critical ear.

This from the blindingly obvious file? Pop/rock is compressed to death
(see Loudness wars) already. And much of it is synths or distorted
guitars to begin with, so losing some fidelity is not going to be noticed.

Symphonies are hard to reproduce with high end systems, they are a poor
choice for testing. If "classical" includes soloist violins, or small
chamber groups, then it can be a good selection for testing.

The best audio tracks to test are things like acoustic guitar with one
singer, or bluegrass. Or some of Patricia Barber's jazz.

If you want to test gear, you need signal that you can tell on, first.

Pat Farrell

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