atrocity wrote:
> pfarrell;473359 Wrote: 
>> There is nothing close to a 50kHz signal
>> on any vinyl record
> You're forgetting about CD-4 quadraphonic and its
> way-up-there-somewhere-or-other carrier.

Yes, I forgot it. As it well deserves.

As Wikipedia says "separate 30KHz sub-carrier was recorded on each
groove wall."

and I do have vague memories back in 71 or 72 about folks wanting to buy
new cartridges to decode the ultra high frequencies that were well above
anything that normal systems could handle.

Quad almost worked with 1/4 tape drives, but was a joke on vinyl.
Playing it once on even a high end turntable/cartridge would carve out
the over 25kHz signal.

But technically, @atrocity is right.

Still, a 96kHz sample rate will capture all that it could theoretically

Pat Farrell

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