cool thanks for the input, much appreciated

pretty much the same response as the guy who advised/sold/installed my
system... don't think I've ever had a sales guy advise me NOT to spend $
or buy more equipment heh.

said there would be an improvement, but probably not overly noticeable,
certainly not $4k worth of sound improvement... was rather impressed
with his honesty.

as for the positions of the equipment, it's a small cabinet, with the
denon on the bottom left & dvd sitting on top of it (neither get very
hot, slightly warm at best, even after hours of thrashing my system), &
on the right bottom is the rotel, TP on top of it, and Beyonwiz on top
of that... the rotel gets a bit warm, but not overly hot, the TP
absolutely cooks, which I find rather odd compared to the rest of the
components, and the Beyonwiz gets a bit hot but only at the back where
the hard drive is located, so maybe that's what's causing the TP to
overheat, more so than the rotel?

have considered putting some fans in there, that's my next step...
order in some black ravioli to give a bit of space in between the rotel
& beyonwiz, then see if I can mount some fans to the side of the cabinet
& get a bit of airflow through there.... there's glass doors on the
front of the cabinet, which I had custom made with three large cutouts
to allow airflow, so the cabinet's not totally enclosed

are there any sort of room treatments one could make, without changing
the look of my lounge room though?... it's very clean & minimal with a
few bits of art around the place, which is the way I like it :p

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