marcoc1712;499966 Wrote: 
> Hi John, could you explain a little the kind of differences you hear
> when streaming PCM instead of FLAC? 
> Thanks, Marco.

Hi Marco,
the two areas that are most noticeable are ambience and "aliveness".
When streaming PCM the music is more at home in its acoustical space.
You can hear the reverberation as naturally part of the environment, its
there but doesn't call attention to itself. When streaming flac the
reverberation seems somewhat artificial and painted on a screen in front
of the music rather than filling the space. The whole thing feels
somewhat "squished" and flat. The aliveness is a little hard to define,
musicians seem more real and less canned. You can sense subtle emotional
nuances of expression easier. 

Its not that flac sounds BAD, if you never listened to it with PCM you
would think it sounds great, but then when you hear the PCM stream its
WOW, where did THAT come from? 

Now I realize other people do not hear this and I have no explanation
for that. Some people can and some can't, I don't know whether its
people differences, environment differences or what. 

So far I have not been able to measure any differences. Sometime early
next year I'm going to attempt a blind test as outlined earlier in this
thread. We'll see if I really CAN hear a difference.

John S.

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