Robin Bowes;501887 Wrote: 
> On 02/01/10 22:48, rgheck wrote:
> > 
> > It is controversial at what level jitter becomes audible. Some
> people
> > thinks it takes a ton. Others disagree.
> > 
> That's a rather different position to:
> "Jitter is a real and measurable phenomenon, and its effects are well
> documented."
> ....don't you think?
> R.

No, I don't. The statement, "P, but some people don't believe that P,
despite the strong evidence in favor of P", is not remotely
contradictory. That I didn't previously mention that some people, such
as yourself, don't agree with my position and that of many other people
who have investigated the matter, was the omission I meant to rectify.
But then, there are many people who do not believe in evolution,
contemporary cosmology, or who knows what else. Shocking, I know, but
true. So I don't always feel the need to mention such outliers.

If you don't understand this, perhaps you should take a course in basic
logic, such as Brown's Philosophy 0540.


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