This puzzles me:
I'm using the Transporter's processor loop.

In the loop I have a Behringer SRC2496 sample rate converter and a RME
Fireface UC external USB sound card. The Behringer converts incoming
data to 44.1kHz.

RME is master clock source, and Behringer is happy with that.
However, the Transporter jams the Wordclock signal when I select Clock
Source: Wordclock In.

Alas. Working settings are:

Digital Output Encoding: S/PDIF
Clock Source: Optical S/PDIF (TOSLINK)
Effects loop input: Optical S/PDIF (TOSLINK)
Effects loop clock mode: Asynchronous (External processor is master
Word Clock On S/PDIF Outputs: Word clock output is disabled (source is

Changing to Clock Source: Word Clock Input makes the music stop and all
the error lights on the Behringer and RME dance.

What is happening here? Have I discovered a bug?

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