Phil Leigh;528853 Wrote: 
> Well, no need really - a lot (probably most) of the music we listen to
> has already passed through several 5532/4 opamps (or worse - much
> worse) with power supplies you and I wouldn't allow in the house, so
> there is no going back from there. Messing around with the opamps in
> the TP will make it sound different for sure, but absolutely better
> (more accurate)? Categorically not. Just "better" for you - which is
> fine. DAC output stages are like cartridges - pick one to suit your own
> taste.

I agree that as far as it comes to music, this kind of experience is
very subjective. Yet, there are at least five people I know that liked
the sound..

Objectively speaking though, these op-amps I am talking about are
*discrete*, not SMD. The benefits are much less inter-modulated
distortion (?? I believe this is the coined term..). That's like
comparing Class AB and Class A amplifiers. Also, since the sound became
"warmer" (and respectfully, less analytic and metallic), I think that
higher-order harmonics's amplitude decreased. [ We do not have 10K$
Audio Precision so we could not measure, although I very wanted to.. ]

We did not modify topology, did not touch the digital interface, which
is in our opinion - excellently built.

The guy who soldered this for me is professional, he has 20 years of
experience in electronics (high-tech) and now he builds and sells
various kind of equipment, such as speakers, digital amplifiers, power
supplies etc.
Modders and DIY-ers are not something bad.. This is by far the best
"bang for the buck", if you know what you're doing..

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