snarlydwarf wrote:
> pfarrell;528958 Wrote: 
>> While the 'high end' audio folks have a longer time frame, anything
>> computer related that is four or five years old is economically
>> obsolete.
> With the fast rise of ARM processors in the last few years, that
> timeline is accelerated for 'embedded' applications.  cheap, low
> wattage, reasonable cpu speed and a wealth of options on chip.
> Even my TV has an ARM processor in it (and runs Linux).

Yes, the ARM is a great chip. iPhones have three of them. They are

I can't predict the future, but as all media moves to digital formats
(vinyl lovers excepted) there is not a lot of room for the old style
using of components for decades. I still have two Large Advents that I
bought in 1971, but I don't use them for anything. My brother has my
Dynaco preamp and amp from that system.

Modern systems are going to be all DSP based, with an ARM or whatever
replaces it in charge. The idea of putting a lot of time, money and
effort into improving a piece of HiFi gear is going to look as silly as
putting a lot of money into restoring a mid-70s vintage Toyota.

Real computers (desktops, laptops, etc., as opposed to embedded systems)
have gotten so powerful that 99% of the buyers never use even a fraction
of their capabilities.


Pat Farrell

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