I don't usually get drawn into the arguments & discussions about which
cable/platform/component/paper clip sounds better/worse/inaudible,

Having had many, many hours experience with 'listening test' in the
hi-fi world (I used to work for a well-known 'hi end' manufacturer, and
we had a great listening/demo room, and I used to regularly test all our
amplifiers in a real system after an extensive bench test, and spent a
lot of time listening to various cables/components too) I have to say
that my experience is as follows:

There ARE audible differences between (some, not all) cables, both
speaker & interconnect. Often very subtle, and usually impossible to
get a consensus between listeners as to which was 'better'

A brilliant 'measurement' does not equate to a brilliant listening

No two people can usually agree on which component/system/cable sound
'better' or 'right'. Once you get past 'crap' and into 'great' systems,
the differences are more down to a personal preference.

The thing that makes the biggest difference to the overall sound of a
system is the room in which it sits.

Some 'isolation platforms' make a substantial difference, some do
nothing at all. 

Just my personal experience, I know that there is no end to this
debate... :-)


SB3 -> Roksan DA1 -> DIY passive pre -> Roksan S1 power amp -> modified
Musical Technology Kestrel speakers :-)
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