Mnyb;574398 Wrote: 
> You actually did more work than you think in that regard, you chosed to
> test something, that we know is different and it does influence the
> signal coming out of your system. the 16/44.1 signal IS different than
> the 24/96 signal and DAC's do measure better with 24/96 conditions
> noise is lower etc.
> So you tested something that is verified by countless reliable
> measurements by others.
> So we already know that there is a difference .
> You wanted to to try to hear that difference for ourself.
> <snip>
> Cables are a can of worms in that that they obvuisly are in the signal
> path.
> And ofcourse have an measurable impact on the signal, All measuring in
> "normal" systems shows that the difference is very small lower than all
> known thresholds of human hearing. AND controlled listening tests=
> subjektive but with the power of double blinding and statistics, seems
> to conclude that this is the case .
> So the "normal" 1m signal cable case is "done" by now.
> <snip>

Cannot resist making a couple of clarifying comments...  Yes we know
that there is some difference between 96/24 and 44/16, but this is also
true for cables.  The question is whether the difference--since it
should be very small in both cases--is audible.  Why you are convinced
that any cable in any system will definitely not be audible, but 96/24
might be I find inconsistent.  Definitely I do not consider the cable
case to be "done" and decided in the negative for all situations.  Give
me links to the testing you think establishes this as a "fact" and I bet
I can proceed to pick apart every single one of those tests as having
flaws that I consider serious.

People keep talking about using subjective listening tests to pick "the
better" of two components, but if that is the way people are doing
subjective testing or thinking that everyone is doing it, I believe
they are wrong.  The way I do subjective testing is by trying to
identify a different characteristic of sound reproduction that I can
hear repeatedly as I switch back and forth.  E.g., I listen to a track
with particularly good recording of cymbals and see if at certain
points I am able to hear a difference--and I have to be able to hear it
reliably and repeatedly.  The notion that subjective testing has to
involve popping in the new $2000 wondercable and within minutes
proclaiming it fabulous is just rubbish.  Only a moron would proceed
like that!  Apparently you "anti-audiophiles" believe all audiophiles
are morons and are doing stupid tests, but I can assure you that we are
definitely not (all) morons.  :]

Deciding whether a component improves your sound quality and musical
enjoyment should be a secondary question--after you have established
that you can reliably hear a difference that you can characterize. 
This is the part of subjective listening where listeners most often
disagree.  We have often done separate listenings and then compared
notes.  Now one person might say one component had extended highs while
another says too bright, but clearly they are both hearing a perception
of increased highs/brightness.  Whether or not that is good will of
course depend on how bright your system already is, what your hearing
is like, what kind of music you listen to, etc.  To give an example: I
have been comparing two different interconnects between my preamp and
power amp for the last week.  These are both like 20 year old "hi-end"
cables, that I already own, and I frankly do not remember what I have
decided about them previously since it has been quite a while since I
have done any listening tests with them.  So not much bias
here--whichever one sounds better I will use.  Well I definitely hear a
difference, but I cannot really say which is "better."  One definitely
improves cymbals (the system is a bit soft there now), but makes female
vocals sound too dry and midbass sound too strong/bloated.  I have gone
back and forth with these cables for a week and keep hearing the same
differences.  Of course on some recordings one sounds "better," but on
other recordings the other sounds "better."

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