Nonreality;575753 Wrote: 
> I'm kind of dismayed at your response to all of this.  You have taken it
> as Dan and myself have attacked the very nature of your existence. It's
> anything but for myself.  I know you think you hear a difference
> between cables and all is good.  You have the money to spend and it may
> well sound better to you.  I don't really mind that.  I didn't post this
> to make you feel bad my friend.  I posted it to show what cable vendors
> are willing to do and you don't get it.  It's fine.  No problem
> whatsoever if thats a word.  I don't think he called you stupid he just
> said that some are very believing and get sucked into things that they
> ought not to buy.  I don't think you would ever buy anything that you
> didn't fully check out.  I'm not sure why you take such a negative to
> all of this but really don't take it personal, I really,really never
> meant it that way.  I make fun of audiophiles sometimes but only in
> jest and wish I could afford to be one so that I could find out the
> truth.  But I know I never would but it would be fun to try.

And I am equally dismayed that you find Dan's response as reasonable
and the manufacturer's response as some sort of proof that cables are
"snake oil" and he knows it.  I went back and reread the linked post to
make certain that I hadn't misinterpreted some of it.  I did not!  The
manufacturer offered Dan his cables to test, and his only qualification
was he wanted to do this only if Dan felt that cables were "something
that has an impact on audio quality."  You find that hilarious and
proof that the manufacturer is a charlatan interested only in positive
reviews.  I see nothing of the sort.  Just because somebody believes
cables can affect sound doesn't mean they are going to like (i.e.,
positively review) these particular cables.  The manufacturer didn't
offer them only if Dan agreed upfront to review them positively.  Show
me one single piece of evidence for that--I challenge you to do this. 
Dan responds with a long harangue that makes it clear that he has
already 100% made up his mind that cables do not and cannot under any
circumstances make a perceptible difference in the sound of an audio
system, and that anyone that believes this is fooling themselves.  So
in other words, Dan says right up front to the manufacturer that he is
100% certain to say his cables make no difference.  This is the sort of
"review" opportunity that Dan is offering?  And you think it proves
something about the cables that the offer wasn't taken??  Are you
serious???  In effect Dan already wrote his review--right in his
response--without even needing to have a set of cables to measure or
listen to.  Hell, why should he bother since he is obviously brilliant
and knows the TRUTH about audio equipment.  Sorry, but I actually am a
practicing scientist, and Dan's position is not AT ALL scientific (and
certainly not worthy of being touted as a great article).  My response
has little to do with me feeling personally attacked--I could care less
what you or this Dan guy believe.  What annoys me is when people that
appear to be closed-minded, (think they) know-it-all jerks are being
promoted as good examples of objective, scientific thinking.   (Yes I
do realize Dan's writing style is intended to be amusing and attract
readers, which accounts for what I find the "jerk" style of it.)

I am definitely now done here unless something is posted from Dan's
response that shows he was actually willing to give a fair and
objective review--as I already asked.

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