RonM;575709 Wrote: 
> Leon Festinger's concept of cognitive dissonance is also salient here. 
> When we have commited to something (bought a car, acquired a religious
> belief, bought a ton of expensive audio gear and become a
> true-believing audiophile) we tend to pay attention to things that
> reinforce or support our action or belief.  We experience what
> Festinger called cognitive dissonance when we encounter information
> that tends to cast our choices in a less than positive light -- we'll
> read articles praising our swell new car or describing the tenets of
> our new religion (whether or not it's the Catholic Church or the Church
> of Sound), but will avoid those that lead us in a different direction.

Which is why audiophiles BORROW equipment to listen to before they
purchase it, so they have little/no commitment.  Honestly, some of you
people mention things like this as though "subjectivist audiophiles"
could never possibly have considered these things.  We have.  I
personally know a number of audiophiles that are actually practicing
research scientists.  Despite being highly skeptical in the beginning,
they have come to believe that things like cables can make subtle
differences in the sound of some systems.  I have actually read most of
the original ABX papers by David Clark and associates, which appeared in
places like JAES.  Have you guys?  The tests all have serious
methodological flaws that severely limit what conclusions can be drawn
from their negative results.  Severely!  And yet these were the tests
that largely established support for the point of view (one might even
say meme) that almost nobody can hear the differences they think they
hear when subjected to double blind conditions.  So when somebody tells
me they know for a fact that cables cannot sound different, I am going
to demand that they provide citations for the studies that establish
this as a "fact" (bet they can't).

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