> How realistic does a drum kit sound?
> Or a choir in full voice?
> Or a solo piano?

These questions were serious, I would genuinely be interested to know -
particularly how the Transporter does as I cannot afford the other items
discussed.  It requires one to listen in a slightly different way from
the bass/treble, dull/bright, dynamic/compressed, wide/narrow,
forward/recessed descriptions. 

You need to somehow put the "audio" to one side and listen to the
instruments.  Acoustic (or amplified) instruments are the best guide as
one never really knows what a synthesiser is actually supposed to sound
like!  I listened in this way when picking my current amp in 1992.  I
tried integrated amps from the likes of Linn, Mission Cyrus, Audiolab
and Rotel (all new) some had a superficially attractive "presentation"
but the (second hand) Naim 42/110 was the only amp that got anywhere
close to reproducing the full drama of a drum kit riff at full pelt or
could play all the notes in a tune played on a bass guitar. Solo piano
sounded positively weird on the Audiolab despite an appealing and
"wide" soundstage. Piano sounded dry, unfocussed, flat - like listening
to the instrument with a bad headache and ears blocked with water after
a swim. The source was a Mission Cyrus two-box player (cannot remember
the model) and the speakers were my own B&W DM110's on ear level stands
in an acoustically treated listening room of a dealer.  The acoustic was
a bit "live" for my taste but it wasn't bad.

It is quite handy to hear the real thing in a side-by-side comparison.

The family upright piano is in the hall just outside my living room
(listening room) and I have listened carefully to my son playing his
Grade 2 pieces vs Barenboim playing Chopin on the hi-fi.

I have to say my son sounds -much- more realistic ;)

The Barenboim recording has more "percussive" sounds emphasising the
clack of the keys and the initial strike of hammer on string.  The
central note and harmonics are much more dominant in the real thing,
but then I have no idea how the recording was done.  If they close
miked under the open lid of a grand piano you definitely would hear
more of the percussion element than through the closed lid of the

Barenboim's piano is in better tune than our old "joanna" however...

I need to listen to a greater range of recordings to see how other
pianos sound - but anyway, you get the idea.



*SqueezeBoxes:* SB Duet (Controller + two receivers)
*Server:* Synology Diskstation 107+ NAS (with firmware 2.3-1157)
running Squeezebox Server 7.5.0 on Synology Package Manager
*Network:* Netgear DG834GT ADSL modem/router, 2 x Buffalo WHR-HP-G54 as
access points
*Livingroom:* Receiver into Naim 42/110 amp, B&W CM2 speakers
*Kitchen:* Receiver into Denon DM37 mini-system, B&W 686 speakers
*Study:* Linn LP12, Naim 72/Hi-cap/Headline. LPs ripped usingBehringer
UCA202 USB into Windows XP PC
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