darrenyeats;601809 Wrote: 
> A lot of these older CD masters are perfectly fine - I feel sometimes
> they are criticised for being too accurate! The EMI 88 Beatles
> recordings are a case in point. The earlier Beatles albums sound brash
> and some of the later ones sound great e.g. Abbey Road, most of
> Revolver etc. It sounds to me you get what went in.
> I don't know why things go wrong with most CD remasters. Maybe it's our
> desire these days to "improve" everything? Or maybe it goes like this.
> They do the transfer to red book with the more advanced technology. The
> geeks are happy with their work but maybe a marketing guy comes along
> and points out the new CD doesn't really sound much different to the
> original CD. And certainly not on his or her system at home. "Can we do
> something to the sound so we don't get sued for releasing effectively
> the same recording?" Well, some tasteful dynamic compression might do
> the trick? You might even hear hear more detail on the train or the
> radio.
> Who knows what happens really. But I can tell you the result, that most
> (not all) CD remasters in my experience are more dynamically compressed
> than the earlier CD master.
> If you want remasters that are focussed on fidelity to the original
> materials then, usually, that means specialist labels like Mobile
> Fidelity. Also perhaps remasters for SACD or hi-rez - their buyers are
> practically queuing up to describe all the differences they hear, even
> when they don't exist (I'm being wicked again).
> This is why usually I go for the very earliest CD master where a choice
> of CD masters exists. Where my definition of best is "they have not
> messed much with it" rather than my personal conception of what sounds
> good! (The old accuracy versus 'sounds good' debate.)
> What I have seen, heard and read so far indicates that EMI "messed with
> it" less in 88 than in 09.
> Darren

Case in point - The numerous Dark Side of the Moon "remasters" - I
resisted most of them. I finally bought the 2003 SACD hybrid. Its 'ok'.
Not great. Not as good as I remember the vinyl being. My ears were much
better then. Who knows. What I do know, is the new Beatle remasters ARE
an improvement. IMO.


System: modified Winsome Labs Mouse, modified Maggie MMG's, Transporter,
HSU sub 12, MSB DAC to 500 watt sub slave amp, JPS labs power cords,
Silver audio interconnect, Audioquest Granite speaker cable.
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