Sorry for being unbelievably unclear sometimes :)

One point I'm trying to make is don't mess with file conversion
settings or hack your own convert.conf *if* you don't know what to do
or are prepared to spend a lot off time figuring it out .

The default settings is fine for almost all user and will ensure that
the proper transcoding is used when needed .

Then you always will have the highest possible sample rate the player
supports ( or the least capable player in a sync group ).
Weighted against saving bandwidth.

And it will work for for example 192kHz flac files or when syncing with
a 48kHz only player and other unforeseen situations .
Disabling functionality can lead to that expected functions is not
supported and whatnot. You will notice when some thing stops working.

I don't know all the History of these finely grained very complicated
setup, but it seems to be there foremost for supporting cpu starved
platforms such as small NAS boxes etc ,to actually avoid server side
transcoding that would overwhelm them (not invoking more serverside
transcoding) .
One need can be that you actually have wav files and want to turn off
the transcoding to flac that is default. For example keeping flac as
flac and wav as wav otherwise wav files are transcoded to flac to save
bandwith but a very tiny NAS may not have the cpu to do it..
( But on the other hand you should not really be using wav files for
all kinds of practical reasons, but you can if you absolutely have too

Doing your own custom-convert.conf files seems to be for people wanting
to pipe the output trough inguz or brutefir for DRC .
Or other very special needs or preferences.

But the mere existence of these settings seems to make people always
believe that is a sonic difference for every setting ? when they are
there for practical reasons to cater for more unusual server needs.

Just relax and listen to the good music :)


Main hifi: Touch + CIA PS +MeridianG68J MeridianHD621 MeridianG98DH and
assorted amps SiriuS, Classe' Primare and Dynadio speakers, Contour 4
Contour Center, and Contour 1.3SE rear ch. Rel Stadium 3 sub.
Bedroom/Office: Boom
Kitchen: SB3 + powered Fostex PM0.4
Misc use: Radio (with battery)

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