soundcheck;633530 Wrote: 
> @PasTim
> Since I run my new network setup I don't face any hickups on a
> server-side 100MBIT/s speed. I'm running a Linux server. I tested it
> with
> and without tweaked TCP/IP parameters. I never tested it on XP. Just
> W7.
> Setting the interface to 100MBIT/s doesn't mean that you turn off auto
> negotiation. 
> You can try autoneg on/off by setting another parameter. You can also
> leave it if it doesn't work. 
> You can also dig deeper into TCP Optimizer.
> As I wrote on the blog. Not much is written about network optimzations
> on streaming networks. The online gamers do have some interesting stuff
> about it online.
It seems I'm not explaining myself well enough.  On my system, with my
NIC, and XP, setting the interface to 100Mbps FD as suggested is the
wrong thing to do.  On my XP/Nvidia system this definitely turns off
Autonegotiation. This caused me tens of hours of time investigating
what was wrong.  It's not your fault I followed your suggestion, and
you were not the only one to propose that option (I had come across it
some time previously).  No one can know everything about every bit of

It is also not impossible that using different switches in the network
could change the behaviour.  I would be very interested to know what
your system does without Autoneg when the Touch is directly connected
to your server.

I have taken some illustrations of the change in network traffic
behaviour.  The first is at 100 Mbps FD, the second is with Autoneg for
100FD.  Same track, PCM 24/96.  You can see, and hear, the difference.

I do think you should warn people in your TT 2.0 instructions that this
MIGHT cause rebuffering problems for them, as it did for me.  It is a
simple change for people to make, and could (not will, but could) save
them hours of time.

|Filename: network traffic autoneg 2.JPG                            |

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