
thanks for the feedback, few notes re: your questions and remarks ...
sorry, have not gotten my head around the "quote" function yet:

* "Do you agree that 7.6 sounds better and bridges the gap between
ttvol100 enabled/disabled? (This was my experience.)" 

... yes, sounds better over here, but to my ears the ttvol100 mod still
does some good. Now, Phil points out that this completely discredits
everything I am saying, so my only advice is to take it with caution
and try it. 

* "I think what Klaus did was solder the cable directly to the board
(both ends) thereby avoiding the need for RCAs (or BNCs) altogether."

... I know. Anyway, the way I did it here, already is quite a big step
in a good direction (and makes my setup a little easier to handle than
with hardwired cables sticking out!)

* "Is this a DIY mod ? nothnig is said on their site. Is it delicate to
do ?"

... they offer to do it for you for 200-something-British-pounds, or
they send you the parts for half the price. I was terrified to try this
out as I had never soldered on something that small before, but then it
was surprisingly okay. Also, I figured that the extra 100 pounds for
these guys installing it, plus V.A.T. plus
2-way-international-shipping, came to nearly the same cost as buying a
new Touch if I burned mine ;)

... and btw I have no idea whether the clock they are selling is
actually better than the one that comes with the SBT. This little thing
comes on a board with its own extra power regulator, which may explain
the improvement, but I speculate. I was curious enough to try it out,
and like the results, which are as described. There may be room for
further improvement: a separate power supply for the clock ... an even
better clock mounted outside the SBT ...

Good luck, Thomas

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