artintampa;659196 Wrote: 
> The first thing I noticed is that I received the older model of the
> Transporter (not the SE).  This one does have the center haptic
> feedback button.  I personally do prefer the older model since the new
> one has a black plate where the button used to be.  Looks like
> something was there but hacked/altered.
> I did plug it in, linked it to my conputer which it found effortlessly.
> The vu meters turned and they actually moved.  I hadnt plugged to my
> stereo since I seriously thought it would be going back to the back in
> the box, call and return it.  I plugged it to the stereo and it
> actually worked!! I played with the music my son had previously loaded
> in the system (not great quality.. mp3) and it sounded respectable.  I
> then set up Pandora (email address, pass word.. which by the way the
> center button made it easier) and was also successful at streaming
> music.  The music in my htpc sounded much richer with more depth.  I am
> looking to download flac encoded cd's this weekend and see how it truely
> is able to perform but at least I got my foot in the door.
> SPECIAL THANKS TO GARY!!! Although we couldnt solve it since the
> original unit came defective, you certainly put my mind at ease that I
> had done everything possible to make it work.

Fantastic. All's well that ends well. Happy to hear it "just works" as
it should. I have the older Transporter as well. The new one is exactly
the same guts without the control knob, so you're not missing anything
with the older version.

Yes, get your CDs converted to FLAC and you'll very much enjoy the
resulting sounds. I use dbpoweramp, and although not free, was money
well spent. And dbpa has a good user forum and its developer Spoon is
very helpful.


System 1: Vortexbox Appliance (1.10) > SbS 7.6.1 > Transporter, Touch,
Boom, Radio w/Battery (all ethernet except Radio)
System 2: Win7(64) laptop > SbS 7.6.1 > Touch>Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (all ethernet except Radio and laptop)
Retired: SB3, Duet Receiver
Controlled at both locations with: iPhone (iPeng), iPad (iPengHD &
SqueezePad), CONTROLLER, or SqueezePlay 7.6 on Win7(64) laptop
Ripping (FLAC) - dbpoweramp, Additional Tagging - mp3tag
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