I went through my music collection and decided that my whole collection
(100s of cd's) would be impractical since many of the cd's I have
outgrown over the years. Many of them are phases my wife and I went
through.  All that would happen is alot of skipping over music and it
would make the Transporter cumbersome to use not to  mention the amount
of time it would require to rip.  Although I appreciate the music for
what it is, it would  not be my first choice to sit, relax and enjoy. 
I was able to burn 50 for now and have two additional drawers (about
50+ more) that might be burned in the near future but are not top

The cd that I use to demonstrate the stereo to company is Eric Clapton
Unplugged.  I find that the guitar is very crisp and clear and his
voice is recorded in a way that gives a sense of a well defined space. 
It comes across as very three dimensional with a super stable sound
stage.  The music also appeals to a wide variety of people.  I tried it
through the Transporter and found with the volume on the Transporter at
the max and with an increased volume in my stereo it sounded quite
impressive.  I played the CD in my Cd Transport with my DA converter
and switched back and forth between it and the Transporter.  The
differences were very slight.  My CD Transport/DA combination is
slightly richer and requires alot less volume from my pre-amp. The
average person not familiar or as picky as I am would never be able to
tell the difference or would not be able to tell which of the two is

Overall, I am very satisfied.  Regardless of many reviews that I have
read, I did not anticipate it would even come close to the equipment
that I am using.  It still will not be used for my demos but will
certainly satisfy me for daily use or when wife wants to listen to a
particular cd.  I consider this to be a very positive addition to my
system and a piece of equipment that brought my system up to date.

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