rgro;662352 Wrote: 
> To shift gears a bit, what is the general opinion on a hardware
> solution?  I note that there are some stand-alone DRC and/or EQ boxes
> but I'm wondering, at that point, if putting another digital processor
> in the chain consisting of Touch/Dac/Amplifier is just asking for
> trouble and/or sound degradation.
> Or, if one were to use a stand-alone DRC box, do you then have to
> eliminate the stand-alone dac and just be content with using the
> Touch's dac?  I'd certainly be curious as to if anyone's had any
> experience with one (Copland and Lyngdorf are a couple of random names
> I saw).

For the limited purpose of taming subwoofer room modes, I found that
the DSpeaker Antimode 8033 does an excellent job. This little,
relatively inexpensive DSP from Finland comes with its own mike and is
easy to set up and forget.

Guido F.


Marantz TT 15S1 Turntable, Virtuoso Wood Cartridge -> Conrad Johnson
Motif preamp
Oppo BDP--83 Universal Player; Squeezebox Touch (digital out) ->
Cambridge Azur 840C DAC -> Adcom GFP-750 preamp -> Music Reference
RM-200 Mk II amp -> Martin Logan SL3 speakers
DSpeaker Antimode 8033 equalizer -> REL T1 Subwoofer
Squeezebox Touch (analog out) -> Little Dot Mk III amp -> AKG K701
Squeezebox Touch -> Grado SR125 headphones
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