rgro;679594 Wrote: 
> If you're using WinSCP, login to the Touch (I'm going to assume you know
> how to do this).  Once logged in, you'll need to go up one directory in
> the right pane by clicking on the folder icon up at the top of the
> right pane that reads "parent directory" .  Then double click on the
> "usr" file folder.  Then double click on the "bin" file folder.  This
> can take 4 or 5 seconds, so be patient.  Then, double click on the "TT"
> folder.  Once you've got the TT folder open and can see the contents,
> scroll down to the section that starts with:
> #change process priorities
> I would copy/paste into a Word document (or the like) that whole
> section that starts at 
> PIDJIVEALSA=`pidof jive_alsa` #def: 45 
> and ends at the } symbol. It ends just before:  ##the final daemon
> killer - to be done after every reboot
> Once you've copied and saved that, you can delete that same section and
> copy/paste its replacement with what's in SBGK's page 62 post.
> Hopefully, I've got this right.....if not anybody can feel free to
> correct me...  Good luck!

Thanks for taking the time for writing this very easy guide, really

I wish you a wonderful 2012!

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