ralphpnj;685042 Wrote: 
> Sure cables have an effect but how great is their effect? For example
> should concerns about cable outweigh concerns about component
> matching?
> I believe that steveinaz was onto something with this post:
> http://forums.slimdevices.com/showpost.php?p=684703&postcount=141

Thank you for the positive comment.

I think the law of diminishing returns is applicable with cables--as
with anything else. For me, personally, there's just so much I will
spend on cable "technology" as my personal beliefs and experiences have
shown that it doesn't take as much money as I thought.

I think you have to be reasonable in your purchase---you wouldn't build
a $45,000 pool in the backyard of a $100,000 home (at least I hope not).
Same with cables. My system is very modest, cost wise, coming in around
$6500; so there's no way I'm spending more on cables, than the cost of
the connected component--regardless of manufacture claims. I've heard
enough high-end cables/dacs/ and other items to know, there just isn't
much gain there after you hit the sweet spot.

Certain cables, I think our focus needs to shift. Digital coaxials for
instance. I think (IMO) with dig cables, specs are far more important
than exotic materials---where with analog IC's, sometimes certain
topologies/materials can swing the tonal character more. With digital,
you're wanting to ensure signal integrity---first and foremost--as most
of your tonal character will be the source of the analog section
following the DAC's.


- transport: squeezebox touch / ci audio ps
- dac: benchmark dac/pre
- linestage: placette passive
- power amplifier: parasound hca-1500a
- speakers: fritz speakers carbon 7 monitor
- cables: kimber hero/8tc v.2, belden 1694a
steveinaz's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=34707
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=93111

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