soundcheck;686682 Wrote: 
> A comment to cables and connections:
> It doesn't matter if we talk USB/SPDIF/Ethernet/Power/RCA cables, or
> even board traces they all show filter and antenna characteristics and
> also can cause nasty groundloops. Innappropriate connectors or
> connections are causing impedance mismatches thus reflections or
> crosstalk. Poor grounding and decoupling inside the equipment won't get
> rid of conducted or radiated noise properly. All that gets a big mess.


yep, I certainly know what you are talking about. That's why my special
ethernet cable design also inhibits most of these "nasty groundloops" ,
"reflections" and "radiated noises". They are of course all known to
degrade the digital data transmission and even (quite magically) manage
to generate a frame check sequence (32 bit CRC) that matches the
modified package data!

So don't worry - the problem is already addressed properly!



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