ralphpnj;689064 Wrote: 
> Also in this issue of TAS is a review of the AudioQuest Diamond USB
> cable by the TAS editor-in-chief Robert Harley, who's work I've always
> respected, with the tag line "No two USB cables sound alike. Robert
> Harley discovers one of the best." I guess even RH has now drank the
> kool-aid. Too bad, he showed so much promise.

Harley's always been a crank. There's some commentary by Peter Aczel
about him and an article he presented at an AES convention in 1991.
It's called 'The 91st Audio Engineering Society Convention; or, The
Invasion of the Credibility Snatchers'
(http://theaudiocritic.com/back_issues/The_Audio_Critic_17_r.pdf). The
link is a PDF file. The followup article by Jeff Corey is very good

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