jfo;689787 Wrote: 
> I haven't read Peter's stuff for many years and it was interesting to
> note that in the 20 years since he wrote that article, we are still
> debating the very same issues and there is still no lack of snake oil
> being offered. In fact the arguments have been going on much longer
> than that and one would think that the subjectivist camp would have at
> least been able to offer some form of credible response during all this
> time.
> For those who haven't read the article, it's worth it just to see the
> cartoon on page 49.

I agree but it's not that the audiophile community is still debating
the same issues but rather with the introduction of and acceptance of
computer based digital audio the high end cable market has only gotten
much, much worse. As I pointed out in one of my prior posts in thread
(post #9) the great cable scam (I refuse to call it a debate since
there is no debate when one side is dead wrong) has now moved into the
area of cables used for digital data transmission.

Someone please correct me if I'm mistaken but isn't part of the idea
behind using digital rather than analog as a recording and storage
medium is that digital "solves" many of the problems inherent in
analog. Problems like generational losses when copying, the negative of
cables and a whole list of other things. Now we have almost all of the
major high end manufacturers and their enablers in the high end press
trying to impose the problems of analog audio systems onto digital
audio systems. I for one am not buying it.

A digital copy is an exact copy of the original if the checksums are
equal. Any cable used to transmit digital data which meets the minimum
specifications for that type of cable, whether it is an ethernet cable,
HDMI cable, fiber optic cable, coax cable or USB cable, will transmit
the data exactly the same as any other cable, regardless of price and
material. There is simply no room for debate just has there is no for
debate in the statement 2+2=4.

Frankly I'm sick and tired of having to repeat and defend these simple
truths. so now it's back to the music. At the moment I'm listening to
the new 4 disc set called "Chimes of Freedom: The Songs of Bob Dylan
Honoring 50 Years of Amnesty International" which features 73 tracks by
different artists all covering Bob Dylan songs. Fantastic!


Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels -> Snatch -> The Transporter ->
Transporter 2 (oops) -> Touch

'Last.fm' (http://www.last.fm/user/jazzfann/)
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