ralphpnj;690119 Wrote: 
> Just don't send the files using a files locker service, oh wait you
> gentlemen are mostly located in Europe and not in the USA like me. Oh
> well, I guess I'll just have to do my patriotic duty and report the
> whole lot of you file sharing criminals to the Homeland Security and
> that includes Theresia and her husband Frank as well. ;)

I am American, buddy! and more than that, a damn southern country boy
from North Cackalack...where I live right now! 


I lived in Germany for 6 years tho..


Vortexbox>SBT(stock(TT failed dbt)>>Forssell MDAC-2>>>Klein and Hummell

Sota Sapphire/Lyra Kleos>>Bespoke Valve Phono Stage>>Mastersound Due
Venti>>Link Audio K100
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