And just how, exactly, are these different pieces of software supposed
to affect the layout of the admittedly bit-identical files on disc?

Most software uses pretty standard io library calls to write the stuff
out. And even then, where it gets put on disc is going to depend
heavily on:

how full the disc is. 
whether there is a raid system.
what the filesystem is.
what other software is using the io subsystem at the moment.

In point of fact, _which software was used first_ will have vastly more
influence over how the resulting files are laid out on disc that which
software is used. Also, one could defragment afterwards, and again,
this would have an _actual_ effect, rather than an imagined one.

Claiming that the software writing out the _admittedly bit-identical
files_ is somehow making some of them sound better without controlling
for any of this (and this is just what I thought of off the top of my
head) bespeaks of a profound lack of understanding of how computers
actually work, combined with a level of hubris that is really

This whole thing is bullshit of the first order, and I'm not at all
sorry about being a bit impolite about it.


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