JohnSwenson;690949 Wrote: 
> Klaus has grouped a bunch of changes together, some of which require a
> reboot and some which do not. It should be possible to run the ones
> which do not require a reeboot under Triode's framework. 
> John S.
John, please have a closer look. These are the commands in TT3:

-i   : initialize toolbox
-s   : toolbox status
-x   : display on/off
-k   : kills daemons 
-w   : wlan on/off (persistent)
-v   : locks volume at 100% (persistent)
-d   : display on/off (persistent)
-ir  : infrared receiver on/off (persistent)
-b N : buffer size  N= 3200-50000 (persistent) 
-o N : output routing (persistent)
N= 0=digital 1=analog
-r   : restore original configuration
-rbt : reboot
-h   : help

The commands "-k" (mod), "-h" and "-s" (both not mods) are the only of
these which work without a reboot. And after "-k" a reboot is required
to open access to the box again. The last remaining command would be
"-x" to switch the screen on and off on the fly, but this is only
possible if you use "-d" before to switch the screen on (which is off
by default). But as I said before: this is pointless because the mods
only really make sense, if you use all (or most) of them together.

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