adamdea;692991 Wrote: 
> People are angry because non-information is being either cynically or
> stupidly paraded as some sort of evidence. 
> 1 There absolutely no reason to believe that file location/identity of
> ripper/whatever affects the sound, on conversion to analog, of 2
> identical files
> 2 there is no evidence they those files do "sound" different. Until
> such time as there is any evidence it is not an "interesting" topic of
> conversation any more than is the biochemistry of the unicorn.Anecdotal
> reports from audiophiles are of zero evidential value. There is no
> proposition too stupid to be reported by an audiophile
> Having read your postings, I have come to the conclusion that they just
> consistent of a loads of words more or less randomly. Eg "The more you
> look into it, the more evidentially based and interesting it becomes"-
> This is just drivel. There is nothing interesting about people claiming
> to hear differences in things which sound the same. It's not the
> exception it's the rule.

Currently, there are no explanations offered as to why or how rips may
differ. It seems counter-intuitive, maybe even plain wrong-headed. It
may just be delusion or self-deception. All granted. The OP admitted as
much: his intention was evidently to stimulate debate in which something
might be learned.

Shutting down discussion in this way is rather like those who couldn't
imagine how a man go travel faster than 15mph without exploding.
Progress showed they were wrong.

Linn and Naim and Logitech and Yamaha and Medidian and Bryston and
Aurender and MSB and Marantz - indeed every leading authority in
digital audio design know that case design, power supplies, data
sourcing, EM, RF, clock implementation, cabling, board layout, etc
affect transport performance. Back in the dark ages, when people
believed only in bits, the idea that each of these components would
impart a sonic signature was treated with derision. Progress showed
they were wrong.

So those of us who have previously been embarrassed by their lack of
imagination are cagey about saying this or that is 'impossible'.
Certainly Linn and Naim felt the question of WAV vs FLAC sufficiently
important to investigate and - interestingly - came to different
conclusions. Will some new variable emerge that explains rips
differing? Who knows - and that's the point.

Development is led as much by field results as lab tests: it's all data
to the researcher.

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