mlsstl wrote: 
> Personal experiences are just that - when a wallpaper change in a
> restaurant improves the perceived quality of the food, that is likely to
> be a one-off experience unique to an individual. Same thing with
> improving the sound of one's stereo by putting photos in the freezer ala
> Peter Belt. 
> They may well have had that personal reaction, but to expect respect for
> or wide confirmation of the position is laughable. 
> The word "tolerance" comes from the Latin word meaning "to bear or
> endure" - it means letting people do their own thing when others think
> they are ineffective, unrelated, or even silly and  stupid.
> Unfortunately, these days too many often think their opinions are
> -entitled- to respect or even endorsement.

Just because someone discloses their impressions to other like-minded
people doesn't automatically imply that the person who chooses to
confess feels entitled to be respected or endorsed. Humans like to
share, sharing is the spice of life, and people should not be afraid or
feel stultified when it comes to enjoying life.

In this community, we gather to share our findings. Some findings are
based on rigorous scientific methodology, and can be shared in the form
of cold hard quantifiable facts. Some other findings are of a more
qualitative nature, and pertain to the more vague, touchy-feely
subjective side of the equation. Some people are not afraid to share
their feelings, some are. It all boils down to their individual
upbringing and how much of a scumbag their father was (how cold and
detached and heartless their father was while they were growing up; and
in defence of dead beat dads, we must acknowledge that alcohol plays a
very large part in destroying so many families. But I'm just rambling at
this point)

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