magiccarpetride wrote: 
> Just because someone discloses their impressions to other like-minded
> people doesn't automatically imply that the person who chooses to
> confess feels entitled to be respected or endorsed. Humans like to
> share, sharing is the spice of life, and people should not be afraid or
> feel stultified when it comes to enjoying life.
> In this community, we gather to share our findings. Some findings are
> based on rigorous scientific methodology, and can be shared in the form
> of cold hard quantifiable facts. Some other findings are of a more
> qualitative nature, and pertain to the more vague, touchy-feely
> subjective side of the equation. Some people are not afraid to share
> their feelings, some are. It all boils down to their individual
> upbringing and how much of a scumbag their father was (how cold and
> detached and heartless their father was while they were growing up; and
> in defence of dead beat dads, we must acknowledge that alcohol plays a
> very large part in destroying so many families. But I'm just rambling at
> this point)

Once again you act like the master politician, who when asked a direct
question gives a totally unrelated answer. The issue at hand is whether
or not the bit perfect digital audio data stream which goes from a stock
SB Touch to an external DAC can be somehow improved so that it will
enable the DAC to produce a sound which is 100x better than that
produced by a stock SB Touch. Now here's the rub: a digital data stream
is something which consists of "cold hard quantifiable facts", the facts
in this case the stream of ones and zeroes that make up the stream.
Aside from the question of jitter (which remains a very big bone of
contention, as in whether or not the amount of jitter in question can
even be heard by any individual) there is no way to make the ones and
zeroes "better". So what SBGK is saying is kind of like saying that he
knows a way to make four more four like. Four is four. Period. One can
no more make four more four like than one can make a string of ones and
zeroes better. Period. This is the part of digital audio that most
upsets audiophiles since no amount of money can or will improve the
digital side of things. A lowly stock SB Touch can and will deliver the
exact same digital audio data to an external DAC as a highly modified SB
Touch or some mega-buck high end media streaming device. These are the
"cold hard quantifiable facts".

On the other hand, when speaking of highly subjective things, such as
how an individual feels about a given piece of music, much of your
totally off topic ramblings make some degree of sense.

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