magiccarpetride wrote: 
> Good point. I have no problem agreeing that facts are facts, and that
> bits are bits and so on. But the fact remains (and it's also a cold hard
> fact) that many people I know are hearing differences in the resulting
> sound quality. How to reconcile these two bundles of facts is the
> challenge here.

One could use a little something called a double blind test to prove
that the differences do not exist. And let's be very clear here, there
are not two bundles of facts but only one set of facts (bits are bits)
and one set of highly subjective assertions (hearing differences).

magiccarpetride wrote: 
> To me, this is similar to the experience we may have while eating a
> meal. I could get served two identical meals, only one gets served on a
> very nice, classy plate, and the other gets served on a lousy, ugly
> paper plate. In reality, both meals are identical, facts are facts, but
> it is very likely that I might enjoy my meal slightly better if I'm
> eating it off the classy plate (that is, unless I'm a senseless log of a
> person, with no aesthetic capabilities whatsoever).
> The same goes for enjoying a glass of wine (out of a stylish glass vs.
> out of a paper cup), or a company of stylishly vs. appallingly dressed
> people and so on. A lot of the bottom line quality of experience will
> depend on the packaging, even though the packaged substance remains
> identical. This is the fact that many people 'round here have issues
> with recognizing and accepting.
> If I fit my hi fi with glitzy, stylish accessories, and set it up in a
> nice, classy listening environment, I will enjoy the music better. Facts
> are facts, and this fact is undeniable, like it or not.

Again, when speaking of food most of what you say is very true and only
goes to further prove my point. If one is listening to one's highly
modified SB Touch one expects to hear a difference, whether or not there
is, in fact, a difference. By the way, the taste of food and especially
wine is very much affected by things like smell, which is wine from a
proper glass tastes better than one from a paper cup. As for paper
plates versus fine china, that's why I eat with my hands :)

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