TheOctavist wrote: 
> no..they don't. unless you are talking about a shitty design from 1982.
> all competent dacs in the past 5 years or so will be
> indistinguishable(benchmark, grace, forssell, mytek, crane song, weiss,
> prism, dad, steinberg, lynx). nobody, i mean nobody will pass any DBT
> showing otherwise. 
> jitter audibility---
> 30,000ps for sighted and 250,000ps for blind.
I'm curious, what is the measured jitter for the DAC in the SB Touch?
I'm wondering if an external DAC makes any audible difference at all. So
far I have tested by plugging my Touch into both analogue in an coaxial
to my AV receiver and I can't tell them apart.

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