Jeff Flowerday wrote: 
> Now you guys need to confirm first that it works with the V-LINK II or
> the V-LINK 192 but the following might help further as the V-LINK's
> apparently seem susceptible to USB pollution.
> I repeat, confirm that it will work with your device before spending the
> money on it!!!!!!

I think that device works with most USB dacs and S/PDIF converters that
have a type B female and may be useful if the dac/converter itself is
powered only by USB, such as the V-links. You simply connect your
USB-cable with the Aqvox and then the Aqvox to the Dac/converter. The
Aqvox supposedly provides cleaner power compared to the USB host's own.
A local Hi-fi magazine tested it recently with good results.

The V-link 192 is galvanically isolated (the V-link II is not) so it
should not be very sensitive to noice from the USB host. I tried cutting
the shield on a simple USB cable anyway and noticed a significant
difference with the V-link 192. That should not account for the
percieved difference in sound quality between 0.6 and 0.7 though, but
now I have no problems at all with the sound of 0.7. Although I haven't
tried to go back to 0.6 I'm willing to confess that the differences I
experienced may not be there. I switched to 0.7 after a pretty long
listening session and that may account for my experience. My apologies
to Triode. Now I believe the sound I get from the Touch and the V-link
192 beats any source I've ever used. It definitely beats the S/PDIF out
from the Touch.

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