Triode wrote: 
> See post #54 in this thread - you should see the set of alsa params
> which are actually used - as per the details below.  The values actually
> used are indicated with <----, its my contention that you see the same
> thing in the two cases.  If so I can't see where the difference comes
> from, but lets get some details of what is actually being used.

Hi Triode. Sorry for misreading your request.

But here is the return from the squeezeplay restart command (this with
EDO 0.6, buffer at 999999999, period count at 16):

  > Hardware PCM card 0 'MXC SPDIF TX/RX' device 0 subdevice 0
  > Its setup is:
  >   stream       : PLAYBACK
  >   access       : MMAP_INTERLEAVED
  >   format       : S24_LE
  >   subformat    : STD
  >   channels     : 2
  >   rate         : 44100
  start_threshold  : 1
  >   exact rate   : 44100 (44100/1)
  >   msbits       : 32
  >   buffer_size  : 4096
  >   period_size  : 256
  >   period_time  : 5804
  >   tstamp_mode  : NONE
  >   period_step  : 1
  >   avail_min    : 256
  >   period_event : 0
  >   start_threshold  : 1
  >   stop_threshold   : 4096
  >   silence_threshold: 0
  >   silence_size : 0
  >   boundary     : 1073741824
  > pid 367's current scheduling policy: SCHED_FIFO
  -sh: rm:: not found
  # pid 367's current scheduling priority: 59
  > pid 367's new scheduling policy: SCHED_FIFO
  -sh: pid: not found
  # pid 367's new scheduling priority: 59
  > #

Guido F.

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