Daverz wrote: 
> I don't feel I need to have heard any Magico speakers to be skeptical of
> their value given the many fine 2-way designs that are much cheaper and
> the many fine full-range speakers that are also much cheaper.

That's my piont , you can only milk the passive two way concept to some
natural limit.
But ralph has one piont they are not as silly as sonus faber .

You may not have to throw more money at it if you want a small two way
there a lot of them to consider rangin from enrgyntomkef to Dynaudio to

myself I live in a flat and my main speakers are a 2,5 way speakers for
front and centre and 2 way for rears .

I'm a sucker for active speakers ( I would be relectant to pay 5 figure
for passive speakers ) .

I would include ATC ADAM  Genel PMC and all off the other usuall suspect
I forgot the names for .

In that price range I would include listening my own front speakers
Meridian DSP5200 they actually cost about the same and are also
overpriced it is a small floor stander made for not so big rooms , but
with the extra perks that it is a digital active design so it sudenly
saved you amps active xover and DAC's . But they really shine when used
in trifield with the centre DSP 5200 so the whole concepts offsets you
with some more dough . By themselfs they have boundaries compensation
good for close to wall or corner placement and tone controls where the
treble is a quad style tilt control it shifts the whole tonal balance
,good when sitting close to a speaker as in a small room( this can make
any speaker sound brigther ) Throw in a processor and you have DRC .

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