It's easy to look at prices and make blanket assumptions.  Of course,
and this MUST simply be a coincidence, the prices that garner so much
concern for a given individual seem be those prices that deviate greatly
from the amount that said individual has concluded to spend.  Why would
this be the case!?

There is no reason at all to begin disliking one's own audio system (or
doubting how good it sounds, etc) simply because the budget was $5,000
and not $50,000.  I suppose it would be shocking to non-audiophiles to
find that some of us are spending over $5,000 on a CD player.  Honestly
guys, there aren't too many rich guys out there blowing tens of thousand
on random over-priced gear in order to decorate a room or impress a
woman (think about this).  Most buying this seemingly crazy priced gear
are fairly advanced consumers.  I can't speak for anyone else, but I can
guarantee that if my wallet opens up then I'm expecting an improvement
in audio fidelity.

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