jh901 wrote: 
> Why are you here?
> In any event, how is that you have arrived at such a state where you and
> you alone are in a position to tell us which speaker manufacturers are
> legit?
> Have you read anything about the guys running Magico?  Or YG?  Or
> Wilson?
> Your focus on the top of the hi-end, which you have no doubt never heard
> in your own listening space (if ever), is misplaced.
> I do hope you feel better though.

A better question is why ARE YOU here?

As I've stated before this a public forum and as such we (i.e. the
members) are not beholden to anyone. Sure some of us can get a bit
snippy every now and then but usually there are few personal attacks.
You (jh901) react as if everyone is attacking you personally but that is
not the case. For the most part many of us are just a bit puzzled as to
why you accept all the audiophile BS hook, line and sinker. All we are
trying to do is point out some of the shortcomings of the high end audio
world. And many of us are doing so because of many years of experience
playing the audiophile game.

I'm quite certain that the $185,000 top of the line Magico speakers
sound absolutely fantastic but I'm also quite certain that the $25,000
Vandersteen Model 5A Carbons sound 99.9999999999% as good. And if that
0.0000000001% improvement costs $160,000 than I, for one, don't much
care about how much I'm missing. I'm also very aware that just about
every enthusiast hobby, be it audio, wine, cars, bicycles, boats, etc.,
comes under fire for the outrageous prices at the high end of the hobby
but that is the price one pays for being an enthusiast. What you see
unfolding in the threads on this forum is just what happens when
enthusiasm meets with some common sense.

Even with that said there is a difference between high priced equipment
and high priced rip-offs. To many of us here the Magicos walk a fine
between being money well spend and just a rip-off. Unfortunately the
high end audio world is structured so that it is very difficult to find
out whether or not high priced products are really worth their asking
price. Forums expose those shortcomings and have provided me with more
useful information in a few short years than I ever learned in over 25
years of being an audiophile. So now for me "blind faith" is the name of
rock band from the 1960s and not the way I approach audio.

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