But then what’s the point :) If a tube design does not sound "tubes"
then you could cut the cost 1/20 and use some op amps and transistors.
Thats the catch if you don’t want the colouring then use modern
components it's cheaper and more reliable and actually produces even
better results .
That we under some circumstances cant tell the designs apart is not a
testament to how god the tube design is but to the limits of our hearing
ability .

I have not owned tube power amps myself only store demoed the likes of
VTL quicksilver and audio-research et al and some triode's and a whole
bunch of other I forgot the name off , imo all transformer coupled amps
have problems that are easily solved by not using a tube/transformer
design in the first place .
SET amps are very flabby ,but any amp with transformer output can not
help but have low damping factor which will impact impulse response .
The Rouge output impedance is good -for a tube design- as the
measurements will have it ?

The performance is not what i expect of an amp in this price bracket
is this design really transparent ? or does it have a sonic signature .
I would not even try with these distortion figures .

I don’t like when the tester have to make up conditions to the
measurements by things like -it's good for a tube design- . That's the
clown treatment either it measures good or not .
An amp could use "quantum bits" tubes, transistors, cog wheels ?
performance is performance regardless ,so the design method should not
really matter .

But the trends is unmistakable tube amps performs worse and cost more
and use more energy what more reasons to ditch the whole concept do we
need ?

I have heard tube preamps from audio research and a friend had one that
does not sound tube at all ,but then they are utterly pointless as they
only managed to get close to op amp performance but with more expensive
methods ? why .

My limited audition to tube power amps have not at all impressed me the
store demos have not made me a believer ,actually the opposite I never
heard the magic only the problems ?
A likewise bizarre experience was a store demo of some CD player where
you could select tube or transistor output , 10 other people where very
impressed but then there was me :) all I heard was the midrange getting
sligtly shouty and muddy at the same time not a big difference actually
very small but for the worse, it removed clarity . I guess that when
voices sounds like someone is holding his/her hand 2 inches in front of
their mount is thought to sound more intimate and closer to some but I
only hear an artefact .

This is simply not my thing at all ?

To be perfectly clear I don’t think I can fully rationalise my own
buying decisions either they are also fraught with a lot of assumptions
and wild guesses and errors and bias, mostly because the lack of good
and readily available information. Luckily we have the internet and
should use it . It's a strange hobby when the magazines that should
cover it are almost 100% against our best interest and almost
exclusively shill pseudo-science . In other luxury hobbies the interest
are roughly parallel and don’t clash to often the god stuff is more
expensive even to expensive but you get something for it . HiFi is the
only hobby i know of when you actually can get nothing or less when
picking from the top shelf ? In other words in other hobbies it is money
in selling better performance in hifi it's easier to peddle make believe
to dreamers .

And have I thoroughly derailed the tread yet ?

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