cliveb wrote: 
> That isn't how placebos work. You don't get to consciously choose
> whether you're going to give them a chance. They operate at a deep,
> subconscious level in the mind. And to suggest that the placebo effect
> works everywhere *except* audio is just silly.

+1 that is exactly why we have all this audio myths , like wav sounds
bettter than flac and the couple of thousands of other missconceptions

If you are aware of the effect and can counter act your bias it is per
defenition *not* bias :) nor placebo .

I think I experienced *pseudo placebo* once a freind of mine
experimented with biwiring adn invited me (a practice that probably
makes things worse if it does something at all ) we experimented with
swapping cables etc .

After a while we discovered that we had the short circuit jumpers still
installed in the speakers :blush: somehow we managed to ignore the
consequnce (ah the power of the mind and perceptive bias ) and I managed
to be a cargo cult member for years to come anyway . That was a while
before my proper engineering education .

But i managed to be an audiophool despite this for years , but
eventually reality won the day , years of engineering gnaws away on the
most silly beliefs system and eventually you get an aha moment , you
knowledge haas been building in your head and suddenly "f*ck this is all
pants :)".

To keep Garym calm , I was properly cured from audiophilia before I for
example was doing any work on core recirculation pumps in nuclear
reactors .

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