cliveb wrote: 
> That isn't how placebos work. You don't get to consciously choose
> whether you're going to give them a chance. They operate at a deep,
> subconscious level in the mind. And to suggest that the placebo effect
> works everywhere *except* audio is just silly.

I agree, nice catch. Placebo is definitely the wrong word, I should've
used expectation/confirmation bias instead. Here is how it works: every
now and then I hear about the possibility of dramatically improving my
stereo system by investing a little bit of money (like, less than a
dinner for two at a nice restaurant). I get super excited, I am
hoping/praying that this new el cheapo component/tweak will deliver, but
it almost always fails to deliver on the promise. That's what I meant
when I said that wishful thinking doesn't seem to work in audio. Or at
least not in my (extensive) experience. It's basically a long series of

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