JJZolx wrote: 
> What I thought.

I don't know who pays for this site to be maintained, but there is no
moderation at all.  It isn't possible to carry on a genuine, "adult"
conversation here about the hobby we are all presumably so passionate

While there are plenty of "audio jewelry" or otherwise "lifestyle" audio
gear manufacturers, the vast majority are run by rather brilliant guys
who love reproduced sound at least as much as we do.  I sincerely find
it depressing that bashing hi-end gear is ok to whoever pays for this
site.  Sad.  

The reason, generally, that the very best sounding gear out there costs
the most is that the engineers were not required to take short-cuts.  If
we stick with digital front ends, for example, the best of the best are
designed from end to end with little compromise in the way of time and
money invested into R&D or into parts.  If a DAC was simply an off the
shelf micro-chip with a few wires then dCS wouldn't exist.  The
circuitry is complicated.  The power supply designs are pricey and
complex.  Same with the analog output section.  Most recently, it seems
that FPGA DACs are becoming mainstream within hi-end.  If there wasn't
any demand for better and ever better sound, then we'd all be stuck with
junk from the 80s.

Cary Audio 306 SACD Pro | Cary Audio SLP-05 | Cary Audio SA-200.2 |
Focal Diablo Utopia III
__Acoustic treatment: DIY Cylinder Bass traps | "Rule of Thirds" for
speaker & sweet spot position
__Speaker Cables: Analysis Plus Big Silver Oval | Shunyata Venom series
power cords and power conditioning
jh901's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=18175
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=102330

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