ralphpnj wrote: 
> Amazingly no one has yet mentioned that in order for a recording with a
> highly compressed dynamic range to sound good one MUST obtain a 24 bit
> version (or even a 32 bit version) since those extra 8 bits provide for
> approximately 50% more dynamic range (16 bit audio - 96 dB of dynamic
> range versus 24 bit audio - 144 dB of dynamic range and 144 - 96 = 48,
> which is 50% of 96).
> So Franz Ferdinand in 16 bit sounds terrible but that same recording at
> 24 bit sounds wonderful. So imagine just how good it will sound on a 32
> bit version.
> And who says I don't have a firm grasp of the principles of digital
> audio? As you can plainly see from the above paragraphs I have at least
> as much knowledge of digital audio as any one who currently writes for
> or edits any of the high end audio magazines. ;)

Except you know that a dB scale isn't linear so 96 isn't double 48
afaik. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decibel

I do hope the part about 16/24/32 was a joke.

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