As others have noted about a "solution in search of a problem", I think
there's another angle here. I suspect the recording houses in their
heart do not like the availability of the true "studio masters" going
out the door. And I think they're realizing that the "HRA" angle isn't

Other than yet "moar loud" or EQ'ed remaster, a good quality "studio
master" is the end of the revenue stream; they must keep the door open
for potential re-buying of the album and MQA allows another step in
that. It's "high resolution" in that it's potentially better than CD
(Wombat, I'd love to see if there is indeed evidence that it could be
<16-bits) - at least 48kHz is better than 44kHz, right? But it's not
-true -24-bits nor -true -96/192kHz. Call me conspiratorial if you like
but I think there's a big DRM/copy protection issue here as well. Of
course, we can bet this will be hacked pretty quickly just like all that
have come before. If I am correct, the big labels will get on board with
the idea of DRM capabilities and provide backing in a way that something
like Pono would never have. They of course need another way to sell this
to a public wary of copy-protection already and that's why we keep
seeing these fluffy comments about "connecting" the studio/artist to the
consumer, or the "analogue front end to the back end" or even the use of
the term "Authenticated" (through some indicator light).- I think we're
in for an interesting ride in terms of how they will continue to market
and push this "format".-

BTW: I find Bob Stuart's "sales job" interesting... Here's a smart man
with technical experience talking ad-speak putting himself out there
like this as a mouthpiece. Unlike Neil Young who is clearly out of his
depth with Pono, we've got a smart fellow trying to get the public to
buy into his scheme. The responses appear scripted and vague by design.
I smell desperation.

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