ralphpnj wrote: 
> Archimago you are way too literal since I was only trying to make a
> point about how the concept of audio purity goes right the window when
> there's money to be made. The DSD craze/nonsense is just a perfect
> example. As for using DSD files, I can't since I only use run of the
> mill free-be USB cables throughout my computer system :)

No I don't think it's unnecessarily literal... Fact is that I think even
DSD can be coded in some way after seeing all the SACD rips where the
original signal looks to be nothing but upsampled 44/48kHz. So I think
seriously it can be done. The question is why bother as you noted...

Speaking of digital cables, I notice that Lavorgna and AudioStream has
put up another "all talk" post on "Cables, Bits, and Noise" trying to
justify ethernet again. Again, no empirical demonstration about
anything, just theoretical descriptions of boogeymen like RF and
computer noise. -Notice they don't talk about jitter anymore :-).-

I wanted to put up a response just reminding them as I had before that
they really should *demonstrate* with some real equipment and cables how
this will impact the analogue output (maybe show the difference between
one of your freebie USB's vs. precious JCAT?). Maybe John Swenson can
show us something since they seem to like what he says. Alas, it looks
like they've blocked my login! I don't think I was nasty over there and
don't remember any heated exchanges... I guess dissenting opinion is
eating into the "bottom line".

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