arnyk wrote: 
> The article could convince a naive reader that JS has measured an
> improvement due to his device, but 
> "What I have been finding in looking at DACs etc with USB inputs is that
> there is what I am calling "packet noise". This is bursts of noise
> caused by the USB receiver processing the packets of data. This noise
> shows up on both power and ground planes. Since the rate of packets is
> 8KHz there are strong components of this noise in the audio band. This
> noise can cause jitter in clock oscillators, reclocking flops, and DAC
> chips. It can also go directly into noise on the output of DAC chips."
> This is the same 8 KHz that noise that I posted Archimago's FFT of. Been
> there, done that FFT many times. He calls it packet noise, I call it
> framing noise, they are the same, no controversy. 
> Unfortunately there are many other sources of framing noise in audio
> systems, including optical disc players, any HDMI link, any network
> connection, any SPDIF link, a digital music player operating off of any
> kind of media, you name it.  It can leak into analog outputs as a
> coherent signal, and the processes that causes it can also cause jitter.
> What I still don't see  is reliable evidence that something that happens
> outside of a box so afflicted (e.g. USB links) can significantly change
> these processes inside the box.  Furthermore while the world of audio is
> full of framing noise, it is also full of clever engineers who push it
> way below audible thresholds so that the only people who seriously think
> they can hear it are usually placebophiles doing unbelievably unreliable
> listening tests.

Jeez, man, did you fail reading comprehension in school or are you just
pretending to be so stupid?

It has been pointed out to you over & over & it's quite clearly stated
in the 4th paragraph that *"t-his packet noise consists of two parts:
noise from the USB protocol engine and from the USB PHY."

-*And from then on the rest of the article is about USB PHY noise & the
Regen. How often do you try to confuse others just because you are

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