Squeezemenicely wrote: 
> With my own little ears :-) 

Contary to popular belief, listening does not end with the ears. The
brain is involved and this brings in many confusing influences.

> Did a lot of A/B obviously not labtests.

Lab tests of both the measurement test and reliable listening-based test
varieties are possible using free software from the web.

> Volume was the same.

How do you know that was actually true?

> Again, only a household test, but since this is where it is going to be
> playing, it was fine for me.

If these tests were just for you, why am I reading about them on the

> To me it sounds different and better than the Touch, have I got
> scientific proof - no, but my ears like it a lot more. 

Again, there is pretty good evidence that ears are just sense organs on
the sides of your head, and things such as like and dislike are
established by the brain.

> I used to have the receiver and the Touch definitely was an acoustic
> upgrade, the Bifrost is yet another upgrade.

How do you that a comparison between a Touch and a Bifrost would
necessarily sound different?

> The music coming through the Bifrost is even less harsh especially in
> higher frequencies, than with the Touch. I listen to a lot of classical
> music, this is where the difference is most obvious, 

How do you know that your perceptions in this regard are not due to the
fact that your level matching was not too inaccurate?

> I do not know if I could hear the difference with pop music.

Rule of thumb - if you can hear it with classical music, there is some
piece of pop music, and indeed other pieces of classical music that will
reveal the same differences.

> But especially with violins and operatic voices the difference ( to my
> ears) is well worth the cash. 

So these kind of casual listening evaluations apparently with no actual
controls are convincing to you?

> Btw I really do not think that Dacs belong to the voodoo section,
> different Dacs with different analog sections, sound different.
> Sometimes the difference is suttle, sometimes more than that.

That is vodoo in very many cases if you actually test carefully. It is
what some segments of the audio industry wants you to believe so that
they can sell you more DACs when the one you have is probably just fine.

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